Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Worth The Wait!

"DO NOT grow weary in your waiting, for in the PROPER time you will reap the harvest, if you do not give up!" Galatians 6:9

No one likes to wait! Waiting is one of the most difficult things in the world to do. I marvel when I see little old men waiting so patiently for their wives while shopping. I can't help but think; "Have they always been patient?" Galatians 5 tells us that patience is a fruit of the Spirit. As we mature in our walk with the Lord patience is one of the areas that we grow in. We become more patient with others, and with the Lord. We accept that His timing is perfect and that He holds time in His hands. The problem is when we grow impatient in our waiting. What then? Well...then, is when we either take matters into our own hands like Abraham and we end up creating something of the flesh, or we grow weary in our waiting and get depressed. Both are not of the Lord. For the Lord has good plans for us Jeremiah 33:11 and David wrote in Psalm 37:4" Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."So, why fret? Why get depressed? Because …we do not like to wait! We want what we want and we want it NOW! right? Well…that's not how the Lord works. He works all things together for our good…ALL THINGS!  The good, the bad and the ugly! We must trust Him for His perfect timing, for our future, for our desires, for our needs, and our wants, and all the above! He is your ABBA Father who loves you so very much…don't you think He wants the best for you? He sees all and know all! He has a great vantage point in that He can see the beginning of our life…the middle and the end! He is preparing you for what lies ahead. Whether it be college, work, service, or marriage …the Lord is preparing you right now. Don't get ahead of Him…let Him lead the way and you follow close behind! Accept where HE has you…look at it as preparation. If you desire to be married…let Him mold you into the godly wife He wants you to be as you spend time getting to know Him first. Fall in love with Jesus and you will fall in love with the the right guy! "DO NOT grow weary in your waiting, for in the PROPER time you will reap the harvest, if you do not give up!" Galatians 6:9

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